Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

‌White‌ ‌Clothed‌ ‌Ghost‌ ‌Appoints‌ ‌Black‌ ‌Warrior‌ ‌as‌ ‌General II (白衣鬼点将黑武者, Báiyī Guǐ Diǎnjiàng Hēi Wǔzhě) is the 193rd chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


Just as Xie Lian is going to open the door, a baby starts crying within the halls. He kicks the door open anyway and Lang Ying notices the two of them arriving. He greets Xie Lian, who he mistakes for White No-Face.

Xie Lian asks why he's searching for "him" and it's enough to make Lang Ying realizes he’s not the real White No-Face. In the meanwhile, the souls are getting impatient to torture the man who destroyed the kingdom of Xianle. Xie Lian presses Lang Ying on the ground and suddenly the wailing of a baby appears again. Xie Lian rips his robes open, revealing the faces on Lang Ying’s stomach. He’s infected by the Human Face Disease.

Lang Ying explains that they’re his wife and son. He asks where White No-Face is because he was promised that his family would be able to talk to him soon. The disease has taken a great toll on his body, and Lang Ying no longer has the appearance of a warrior.

Xie Lian becomes angry that his revenge is useless, since Lang Ying is already dying. He grabs Lang Ying, suddenly a bead falls down from his robes. It’s the red coral pearl he had gifted Lang Ying to ease the poverity before Xianle fell, he thanks Xie Lian for it.

Suddenly, his body slackens. Wuming says he’s dead. When the Human Face Disease on Lan Ying's stomach notice their host is no longer living, they start to cry loudly. Wuming cuts Lang Ying's body into little pieces to shut them up.

Out of nowhere, a child comes into the hall and screams upon the sight of his dead uncle. Wuming quickly strikes him unconscious, but many other guards come due to the commotion, meeting the same end. After the manslaughter, Xie Lian commands Wuming to burn the palace.

Soon after, the two of them go to Lang-Er Bay, where Xie Lian used to create rain to help the Yong'an citizens. Then he goes to the Palace of the Crown Prince of Xianle to meditate. The resentful spirits are begging to be released.

Wuming calls Xie Lian by his old title as the Crown Prince while kneeling on the ground.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5