Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Toppled Phoenixes (颠鸾倒凤 Diān Luán Dào Fèng) is a dish to described to look like an endless, bottomless darkness with burnt pieces that resemble a broken corpse.

The dish itself is odorles, although it emits a strange aura. The contents are quite graphic and it contains all sorts of ingredients, including one of Ban Yue's Scorpion Snakes, which turned into a spirit after being cooked.[1]


  • Hua Cheng - commented that it "tastes just like its name". 
  •  Pei Xiu - immediately collapsed after eating. After using the last of his strength to write a message, he passed out. It had very long-lasting effects since he was in a mortal body, which is significantly weaker. His sentences were broken for a long period of time.


  • The name "Toppled Phoenixes" is a Chinese idiom that means to mess up or mess around sexually.


  1. Novel, Book 3, Chapter 150: Panic Left and Right; East or West Undecided