Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

‌To Ascend Is Human, to Fall Is Also Human (人上为人人下为人, Rén Shàng Wéirén Rén Xià Wéirén) is the 66th chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.‎


Previously, Mu Qing speaks up and says he’s lying. He tells Xie Lian that child beggars often come to his neighborhood to beg for food, however Honghong-er never came to his area before.

Feng Xin questions whether or not he actually gives them food. Mu Qing adds further that his clothes have sewn patches, it must've been done by a grown up. That means he has a parent or a guardian in his home.

Honghong-er desperately tries to convince them there’s nobody in his life, however Feng Xin responds that Xie Lian has other things to do than take care of him. Honghong-er finally admits he got kicked out of home and he has nowhere to go.

Xie Lian can’t let Honghong-er stay in the palace because of Qi Rong’s troubling behavior. Mu Qing is about to carry him to bring him on the mountain but Honghong-er rejects him, at the end Xie Lian carries him.

Along the way, a pedestrian notices him as the crown prince. They run out of fear of being beaten up, because Xie Lian ruined the Heavenly Procession. Unfortunately, they get completely surrounded by people. Suddenly, they grab Xie Lian and throw him into the air, they compliment him for his performance and say he did the right thing to save the child.

After the commotion, the four reach Mount Taicang. Xie Lian asks Honghong-er about his real name, he replies that he doesn’t have one. He adds his mother passed but she used to call him Honghong-er.

Suddenly, Zhu An comes and says to Xie Lian Guoshi has been looking for him. He asks Feng Xin and Mu Qing take Honghong-er back to the Xianle Pavilion.

When Xie Lian meets Guoshi, he explains that there are two ways to fix the Heavenly Procession. First method is to find the child who disrupted the procession to seal one of his five senses as a penance.


In order of appearance


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5