Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Thirty-Three‌ ‌Heavenly‌ ‌Officials‌ ‌Fight‌ ‌Over‌ ‌Auspicious‌ Land II (三十三神官争福地, Sānshí Sānshén Guān Zhēng Fúdì) is the 186th chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


Xie Lian accuses the junior officials of lying about their promise, but they defend themselves by saying they didn’t share the incident to any outsiders, only friends.

The Heavenly Officials also add they have no responsibility to keep a promise to a corrupt person like Xie Lian, revealing that they don’t want to cultivate with him because he tried to rob a mortal.

Xie Lian remains stubborn and is determined to stay. He provokes the martial gods with aggravating words, so they take out their weapons for a fight. Xie Lian grabs a branch for his defense. One of the gods advises him to apologize and they’ll let this go, which he refuses to. Xie Lian declares none of them are fit to be gods.

The martial gods try to attack him, but his branch is as strong as a real sword in his hands. One of them gets hit by a ghost fire and accuses Xie Lian of playing tricks. They catch the spirit and want to disperse it, but Xie Lian yells at them to let it go.

Suddenly, Mu Qing comes to see Xie Lian’s current predicament. He was recruited by some other martial god after leaving his side, returning to the Middle Court. They explain to Mu Qing what had happened, but he already knew about the robbery.

The gods urge him to drive Xie Lian away from the land, and after much hesitation, Mu Qing breaks his branch and asks him to leave. One of the Heavenly Officials pushes him down, resulting in Xie Lian feeling humiliated and covered in mud.

After a good while, he finally gets up and descends the mountain. Eventually he falls down on the ground again, and Mu Qing suddenly appears and offers him a helping hand. He tells Xie Lian to get up, but he doesn’t. Suddenly, Xie Lian grabs a handful of mud and throws it at Mu Qing. He continues to hurl mud at him, no matter how much Mu Qing tries to reason with him and that he didn’t have a choice.

Mu Qing ultimately leaves and Xie Lian continues to sit there until night falls. Phosphorescent flames gather around him, but a white silhouette with a half crying, half smiling mask also appears in his vision.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5