Right and Wrong, Buried in the Sand (沙埋功过, Shā Mái Gōngguò) is the eleventh episode of the donghua based on the Heaven Official's Blessing novel written by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. It first aired on the 2nd of January 2021.
Xie Lian, San Lang, Fu Yao, Ban Yue and Kemo are currently in the Sinners' Pit. Hundreds of snakes fall from above, Fu Yao accuses Ban Yue of lying about losing control of her snakes because none are attacking her. San Lang adds he's the only one getting attacked by them. Fu Yao says if Ban Yue isn't lying then it is San Lang the person who's responsible for this mess.
Xie Lian defends them and says it can't be them. San Lang realizes more snakes are falling down, so he pulls out a crimson umbrella and shields Xie Lian along with himself with it. San Lang says Fu Yao will be fine, however he says he can't create more fire because of that thing suppressing it. San Lang defends himself by saying that it's not him.
Xie Lian deduces there's another person hidden in the cave apart from them, suddenly Ban Yue got kidnapped by someone. Xie Lian rushes to her along with San Lang and his umbrella. Out of nowhere, a dangerous sword comes by but San Lang brings out his weapon and stops it from harming Xie Lian. He then gives his umbrella to him and goes in the darkness to fight the sixth person. Ruoye gets anxious, but Xie Lian soothes while he tries to call out Ban Yue.
Fu Yao angrily says Ban Yue is the culprit and Xie Lian shouldn't care for her, he adds traitors like her and Xuan Ji are birds of a feather. Xie Lian figures out who is the sixth person, it's Pei Xiu. He deduces with many clues that he's A-Zhao in disguise. Fu Yao's mana returns after San Lang defeats Pei Xiu. Kemo realizes it's Pei Xiu and tries to attack him, but Fu Yao restrains him. Xie Lian then realizes he's Ban Yue's childhood friend, the Yong'an boy.
Ban Yue finally confesses Pei Xiu saved her multiple times when she got beaten up by Banyue kids. She was never forced to do anything like opening the gates. After General Hua's death, she didn't knew it was fake and was determined to avenge him. Ban Yue apologizes many times before passing out, San Lang catches her in the fall. Kemo and Pei Xiu argue about the past, at the end he says he has never regretted Banyue people.
A female voice from above the pit interrupts by saying did Pei Xiu really not regret killing all those innocent merchants. Suddenly, all of them gets pulled up by the wind and now above from the pit. Nan Feng appears with a beaten up face. Turns out, the woman in teal is the Wind Master. She scolds Pei Xiu about his crimes and then apologizes to Xie Lian for getting him caught in the sandstorm. The Wind Master says he can stay out of the matter by assuring Xie Lian Ban Yue wouldn't be used as a scape goat. The woman in the black next to the Wind Master says to hurry up, at the end the two of them only take Kemo and Pei Xiu for their punishment.
Pei Xiu has flashbacks when he fought Banyue with many hardships. He couldn't easily get a position due to his family background. When Ban Yue opened the gates, she was tied above the Sinners' Pit, the flashback ends when Pei Xiu finds her body.
Nan Feng warns Xie Lian to stay out of the matter after reporting Jun Wu, because he has offended General Pei by leading Pei Xiu's downfall. San Lang assures them that Pei Ming is a proud guy and wouldn't play any dirty tricks. He then gives Xie Lian a jar to transfer Ban Yue inside.
The three go back to Tian Sheng's group and heals his infected uncle. The merchants go on their journey safely after saying their farewells. Xie Lian asks Nan Feng if he wants to stay for dinner, which he replies that his general gave him work to do and leaves hurriedly. Xie Lian then asks Hua Cheng what would he like to eat, he notices he got called by his name name. San Lang steps closer to Xie Lian and says to please refer him by his alias.
In order of appearance: