Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

‌Lost Red Pearl, Inadvertently Luring the Red-Eyed III (遗红珠无意惹红眼, Yí Hóngzhū Wúyì Rě Hóngyǎn) is the 62nd chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.‎


Xie Lian and Feng Xin find Mu Qing being cornered by other disciplines in the cherry woods. They say Mu Qing stole all of the berries and now there's only few left. However, he defends himself that everyone can pick them if they're a discipline in Mountain Taicang. They counter his argument by saying he's sneaking more berries for other people.

Xie Lian immediately feels pity for Mu Qing, he probably picked more berries for his mother. He worked by running errands to obtain money, since they're poor and his mother can't do work anymore due to bad eye sight.

One of the senior disciplines are Zhu An, he was the one who blocked Mu Qing from telling Guoshi‎ directly that Xie Lian would be late to the parade. Zhu An says Mu Qing is so secretive, which that makes the people around him wary of him so it's only natural he'd do something bad. He adds it's Mu Qing's fault for almost ruining the event and he got yelled by Guoshi.

Xie Lian yells at them to stop arguing, Feng Xin follows him from behind. Zhu An grabs Mu Qing by the shoulders and shoves him to a tree, Mu Qing can easily brush him off but if he fights back then he would be kicked out of the Royal Holy Pavilion. Xie Lian reasons with them, he defends Mu Qing by saying he asked him to bring some berries under his command. The disciplines apologize to the two and left.

Feng Xin apologizes to Mu Qing aggressively for making him feel Feng Xin was accusing him of stealing the earring. Xie Lian laughs at his attitude and says they should forget everything that has happened.

The next day, the three descend the mountain. Qi Rong sees his cousin and immediately greets him with enthusiasm. Qi Rong then shows Xie Lian his new carriage and he grabs his hand to ride in it. Xie Lian gets worried since Qi Rong would be driving. Feng Xin and Mu Qing move closer, since the servants should be in front of the carriage but Qi Rong says Xie Lian can be the only one in his carriage.

However, Qi Rong then reluctantly lets the two get on since Xie Lian was about to leave. The three regret their decision immediately, since Qi Rong drives the carriage like a madman. He doesn't care if he injures people. They soon after reach the palace after Mu Qing and Feng Xin grabbed the reins from Qi Rong.

Xie Lian says to Qi Rong he would ask his parents to take away his carriage, much to his shock. The four go to the Palace, it's Mu Qing's first time being there. The Queen of Xianle is sitting in QiFeng Manor when she sees Xie Lian coming, she gets off from her seat and asks joyfully how his son has been. The two chat until Xie Lian notices a cup with a strange frangrance, he picks it up and his mother warns him not to drink it.


In order of appearance


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5