Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

‌‌Lost Red Pearl, Inadvertently Luring the Red-Eyed II (遗红珠无意惹红眼, Yí Hóngzhū Wúyì Rě Hóngyǎn) is the 61st chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


Mu Qing says that one of the earrings is gone, Feng Xin tries to search for it in Xie Lian’s room but finds nothing. He then says he’ll try to search for the earring in the streets.

Feng Xin off-handedly says there shouldn't be more people on the search, since it can be stolen. Mu Qing thinks Feng Xin is referring to him as a thief, so he breaks his broom in hand and admits he has nothing to do with the lost pearl. Feng Xin is a straightforward person, so he says that he didn’t mean Mu Qing stole it specifically. However, Feng Xin adds he does seem guilty when he gets defensive about it.

Mu Qing runs out of the room in frustration, Xie Lian chases him after dressing up properly. Xie Lian explains to Feng Xin that when he went to the Mountain Taicang to train with other cultivators. One leaf of gold got stolen in one of the carriages sent by the Queen of Xianle. Guoshi found out about the theft and ordered a search. All disciples helped to look for the stolen item. Later on, Xie Lian corrects himself and says it didn’t get stolen after all. Consequently, a lot of trainees mocked him for having a bad memory.

Truthfully, it was Mu Qing who took it when it was found on the ground and hid it to use it later. Xie Lian helped him to cover up the matter, since he held no bad intentions.

Feng Xin is dying from rage about the incident, but he promises to keep the matter as a secret. Feng Xin admits he thinks Mu Qing was lying about telling the Guoshis Xie Lian coming late to the parade.

The two are still looking for Mu Qing, a disciple mentions he went to the cherry woods. After walking towards the destination, they hear quarreling voices.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5