Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire II (温柔乡苦欲守金身, "Wēnróuxiāng Kǔ Yù Shǒu Jīn Shē") is the 81st chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.‎


The young soldier finally helps Xie Lian to get up. His body's temperature is high due to Land of the Tender's fragrance, however the soldier's hand is equally hot. The flower demons warn Xie Lian not to leave or else he will bump into someone undesirable down the road. Xie Lian asks who is he, the flower demons answer he's the one who brought them here. Xie Lian thinks they're talking about White No-Face. The white clothed won't face him head on but will only damage his spiritual powers by ruining his body's purity.

He asks the solider to bring him to a cave over there, once they made it, Xie Lian asks the solider to stab him with his sword. He needs to draw a array with his blood, however the soldier slashes him arm so Xie Lian doesn't have to harm himself. He doesn't have the heart to say what the soldier had done was pointless, because a mortal's gore is nothing contrary to a god's. Therefore, Xie Lian takes his blood along with the soldier's and draws two lines to the entrance on the cave.

The two of them head inside, Xie Lian explains that the‌ ‌outer‌ ‌barrier‌ ‌is ‌to‌ ‌ensure‌ ‌nothing‌ ‌outside‌ ‌gets‌ ‌in and ‌the‌ ‌inner‌ ‌barrier‌ ‌is‌ ‌to‌ ‌prevent‌ ‌anyone‌ ‌inside‌ ‌from‌ ‌getting‌ ‌out. The soldier needs to stay between the two lines to keep watch, he must also ignore everything from inside out. They can only wait for Qi Rong to bring reinforcements from the palace.

The flower demons' fruits ripen and start to cackle loudly. The soldier positions himself between the two lines, then a woman grows out of the soil completely. Soon after, many women walk nakedly on the earth with a red blossom on themselves. Xie Lian recites the ethics sutra out loud to ignore them. The soldier slashes the demon flowers, the remaining run away while cursing at him for being so violent. The flower demons then try to convince the soldier to get out of the array by showing him various types of women.

A demon finally figures out the soldier's favorite type, all the women then laugh at the soldier. They say he should come and enjoy, because he'll keep dreaming about it for 800 years. Xie Lian has no idea who are they talking about, but he reaches his limit and collapses on the ground. He then lets out a painful moan.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5