Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Welcome to the Heaven Official's Blessing Wiki! Please familiarize yourself with the Community Guidelines before using the site and interacting with other users.

Community Guidelines


Chibi ling wen

All users are expected to treat others with kindness and respect. Discussions are to be kept civil and open-minded about differing opinions. Posts that express criticisms towards the book or adaptations are allowed, but posts that deliberately incite fights are strictly prohibited and will be deleted. Posts that express disagreements of a user are allowed; posts that berate or insult a user in said disagreement are strictly prohibited.

Please refrain from using profanity on the site. If your post or comment is found to have used unnecessary profanity, the post or comment in question is subject to modification or deletion, and the user may be warned.

If someone is making disrespectful comments towards you or other users, please use the report function, and one of the Content Moderators will take a look at the offending post. Engaging in fights with other users is highly discouraged and will likely result in the involved users receiving a warning if you are found participating in the toxicity. User walls are not exempt from this rule, and you will be warned if you are attacking someone on their user wall.


Please refrain from attacking users on their message wall or editing their profile page in a malicious manner. If you have an issue with a certain user, please contact the administrators and moderators about the issue. Users should not attack, instigate, or incur drama with other users in the comments and discussions section.


Nan feng chibi

Posting theories or opinions when you have not finished the novel or only engaged with the adaptations is allowed, but purposefully spreading misinformation is prohibited. This includes presenting headcanons as canon material, twisting facts to serve a certain narrative or mischaracterizing the cast to a considerable degree. To prevent this, ensure that you mention whether your post is only a theory, headcanon or personal opinion you have.

To prevent people from being misinformed and comment sections/discussions getting incohesive, posts containing misinformation presented as canon will be deleted.

Inappropriate Content

Heaven Official's Blessing is an adult rated novel, and as such discussions about Not Safe for Work (NSFW) content are allowed, though it is to be done in an appropriate and respectable manner. Graphic or obscene comments containing sexual content or terminology are prone for deletion. Other inappropriate or uncomfortable content is strictly prohibited.

Inappropriate content is defined as content that is obscene, abusive, or offensive. The judgment that defines a thread or post as inappropriate is reserved to the discretion of administrators and moderators. Below is a list of what is commonly considered inappropriate content on this Wiki:

  • hate speech, such as racism, sexism, or content that is overtly offensive.
  • shocking content, such as gore.
  • excessive or unnecessary amount of profanities.
  • photo epileptic or excessively loud and distorted audio.
  • content that aims to exploit and deceive other users on the site, such as scams.


Off-topic posts and comments will be deleted. Below is a list of what is commonly considered off-topic conversation:

  • discussion of media that is not related to Heaven Offcial's Blessing (this includes Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's other works, except if the post makes a connection to Heaven Official's Blessing)
  • discussion of current events or politics
  • discussion of other users or user drama
  • uploading, sharing, and posting of images or videos that are not related to Heaven Official's Blessing or its wiki
Chibi xl environment

Low-Effort and Spam

In addition to off-topic content, posts or comments will be deleted if they are found as spam or purely low-effort, regardless if they may relate to Heaven Official's Blessing. The list below contains several examples of what is considered spam or low-effort:

  • comments that only contain an image/meme.
  • comments that contain gibberish or a single word in them.
  • excessive repetition of a given line or sentence.
  • flooding of a comment section or the discussion section.
  • intentionally creating blank posts
  • copypasta

Each post will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and if they are found to not have malicious intent and not harm the comment/discussion section, they are subject to stay and not be deleted.

In addition, comments that excessively berate a certain character are prohibited. Users are allowed to express distaste over a character, but have to stay respectful and are not allowed to spam the same type of message repeatedly on different pages. Accounts that exist solely to post negative comments for the purpose of inciting angry responses will be blocked.


Comments and posts containing links or guides to unofficial translations or adaptations are strictly prohibited and will be deleted. This includes online fan translations of the novel, as well as pirating sites for the donghua and manhua. If you wish to help a user find the novel or adaptations, refer to the respective articles (Novel, Donghua, Manhua) and see the official sources on there.


Active users will receive a warning on their Message Wall should they have broken a rule. Those who do not possess a FANDOM account or remain inactive may not be notified at all, as it is assumed that they will not interact with the Wiki again. Depending on the severity of the infringement, the user may be blocked immediately and will have no chance of appeal.

If a user is found to be under the age of 13, their account will be globally blocked by FANDOM out of precautionary measures in regards to the FANDOM terms of use.

By following these rules and guidelines, you also agree to follow the guidelines defined under the FANDOM terms of use.

Credit to Community Rules site from the Genshin Impact Wiki
