Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Heart‌ ‌Pierced‌ ‌By‌ ‌a‌ ‌Hundred‌ ‌Swords;‌ ‌Savage‌ ‌Ghost‌ ‌Takes‌ ‌Form‌ (百剑穿心厉鬼成形, Bǎi Jiàn Chuān Xīn Lìguǐ Chéngxíng) is the 190th chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


The crowd is staring at Xie Lian's current state. He's tied on the top of the altar and can't move, meanwhile White No-Face is sitting right next to him. They're gawking at him because his white silk is undone, revealing his true face. They recognize him as the former Crown Prince of Xianle. Everyone in the temple can hear the people infected by the Human Face Disease howling, this makes the common folks panic.

White-No Face gives a solution to avoid being infected, he tells soldiers didn't get it because they done manslaughter. Xie Lian hid the fact because it would've brought destruction to the capital. The crowd becomes more agitated, White No-Face reminds them Xie Lian is a god, therefore he can take the stabbings. Suddenly, a black sword pushes through his abdomen to prove his point.

White-No Face throws the sword in the group of people, then a ghost fire desperately tries to cover his wound. White No-Face says this is how Xie Lian can save the common people. A couple with an infected child lunge the blade at him, afterwards they apologise and bow to Xie Lian. Few more people came to stab him because the couple had made their first move, thus hesitation became less.

Some are in hesitation after some scolded one another for using such immoral acts. However, the middle aged man mentions Xie Lian had tried to rob him before. The disease is spreading much faster than usual, an angry person mentions he's a crown prince and a god yet he dares to rob. They add Xie Lian is the cause of the plague and praying to him only brought bad luck. With red eyes, people stab him in order for him to atone his sins. Xie Lian was going to yell for help, but they already begin piercing the sword through his stomach. He screams because of the pain but they close his mouth to make the process faster.

The ghost flame is getting anxious by every stab, but White No-Face firmly holds it in place. An explosion appears, the flames burns the crowd and only leaves dead bodies. Xie Lian can hear someone wailing sorrowfully to express their sorrow, it's a young man kneeling in front of the altar. His body doesn't look human anymore.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5