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Crack the White Armour; Fantastic Magic Shattering the Cursed Shackles (破白甲奇法断咒枷, Pò Bái Jiǎ Qífǎ Duàn Zhòu Jiā) is the 239th chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


Zhu Xin emits a powerful aura that makes those afar shudder. Due to Tonglu Mountain's advantage, Jun Wu's powers are far greater than anyone else's. To make things even more difficult, he also has a white armor he personally forged a thousand years ago. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are both needed to make the match even. Mu Qing yells at them that fighting him is useless due to his impenetrable armor. However, Xie Lian instructs Hua Cheng to aim under Jun Wu's ribs. Mu Qing asks Feng Xin about his arrows so they can join the fight, but he is currently trying to grab his son. After many attempts, E-Ming successfully cuts Jun‌ ‌Wu’s‌ abdomen‌ just‌ below‌ his‌ right‌ ribs. Ruoye then binds his hands to prevent him from blocking. The armor had been penetrated because 800 years ago Xie Lian had fought him in his second ascension.

However, Guoshi yells it's useless, at the same moment Jun Wu rips Ruoye into two lifeless pieces. The next second he chokes Xie Lian and pulls him up in the air. Guoshi explains that he's used to pain and a stab wound is nothing to him. Mu Qing states Jun Wu's injuries are healed. Jun Wu then warns Hua Cheng to stay away or he'll wring Xie Lian's neck over the Heaven Crossing Bridge. He obeys and slowly backs away with few steps. E-Ming becomes agitated by leaving Xie Lian alone.

A moment later, Jun Wu slams Xie Lian into a nearby wall of rocks, this makes his head ring and his nose bleed. Few people yell in alarm, Jun Wu then asks if does it hurt if he slams into the wall. Xie Lian doesn't process the question, he then smashes his head repeatedly while asking the same question. The whole time Xie Lian screams to not come over here to Hua Cheng, however he finally answers it hurts. Jun Wu puts him down and wipes the blood off of Xie Lian's face, he then asks if he will change his course of action. Xie Lian answers no, making Jun Wu slam him on the ground violently due to frustration and grabs Xie Lian again. He repeats his question, he answers he will never change. Jun Wu savagely declares no one can win against him, not even Xie Lian. He continues to smash his head against the walls while asking will he change, but Xie Lian's answer remains the same.

Suddenly, his right hand is gone and eight long arrows are pinned onto Jun Wu's back. Someone returns his hand, it's Hua Cheng who currently holds bloody Xie Lian. Jun Wu looks at Mu Qing and states he's still lacking and then tightens his Cursed Shackle. Jun Wu then throws all arrows onto Feng Xin's chest. The Heaven Crossing Bridge might collapse anytime. Hua Cheng gives Xie Lian enormous amount of spiritual powers to fight Jun Wu. He feels his neck, turns out Xie Lian’s cursed shakle is gone.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5