Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Cold White Ghost; Warm Words Confounding the Crown Prince II (冷白鬼温语惑迷童, Lěng Báiguǐ Wēn Yǔ Huò Mí Tóng) is the 188th chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


Xie Lian becomes terrified when he sees a mask of half crying, half smiling on his face in the mirror. Feng Xin hears his screams and asks what's wrong, Xie Lian pointing out that something is on his face. Feng Xin thinks he is talking about his cuts on his face, so Xie Lian looks at the mirror again and sees there's no mask. Feng Xin advises him to stay inside of his house for a few days, which Xie Lian does.

After a while, Xie Lian notices a foul smell emitting from his own body after not showering for weeks, so he decides to take a bath. As he's finishing things up, he grabs his white robes, but notices these aren't his. His clothes were replaced with a white funeral‌ ‌garb‌, similar to White No-Face's.

He yells out, so his parents come inside the bathroom. The Queen of Xianle hugs Xie Lian because he looks like a madman, meanwhile the King of Xianle looks at his son with concern. Turns out his white cultivation robes were untouched.

Feng Xin returns exhausted that night. Xie Lian warns him about White No-Face's return and to be cautious from the following days. He also adds he has been following him for the past few days.

With hesitance, Feng Xin asks if Xie Lian has any money left. He says he has none, but when Xie Lian asks him why for the need, Feng Xin assures him it's fine.

The following days, White No-Face would appear in unexpected places to scare Xie Lian. He would scream and point to the places where he comes into sight, but he vanishes the second others try to look what terrifies Xie Lian so much. One night, he jolts awake because he feels thirsty. As he gets up to drink water, he suddenly hears voices. They are Feng Xin and his parents, discussing Xie Lian's condition in a way that implies they think Xie Lian is hallucinating. Xie Lian intrudes and furiously explains that he is not mental.

He runs outside and ignores Feng Xin and his parents calling him.

After running far away, Xie Lian curses at White No-Face and orders him to come out. He walks deep into the mountains and wants to settle things with White No-Face once for all. He notices ghost fires making a wall, trying to stop Xie Lian. Among them is a fire much brighter than others. It's staring at him, and Xie Lian concludes that this tiny flame is the strongest one in the group.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5