Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Cold White Ghost; Warm Words Confounding the Crown Prince (冷白鬼温语惑迷童, Lěng Báiguǐ Wēn Yǔ Huò Mí Tóng) is the 187th chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


Xie Lian trembles as he sees White No-Face in front of him. He disappeared after kingdom Xianle fell, but somehow he returned.

Xie Lian tries to attack him, but the ghost kicks him in the knee by predicting his moves. After putting his hand on Xie Lian's head, he pulls him up in the air.

In the meanwhile ghost fires dance around them, although one stands out as it's much brighter than the others.

Suddenly, White No-Face pulls Xie Lian in a hug. He mummers comforting words in his ear, which makes Xie Lian sob. The ghost fire goes to his heart to warm it, but doesn’t press too close.

White No-Face then tries to convince Xie Lian to join his side. Without thinking, Xie Lian reaches for the half smiling half crying mask and smacks it off, making it fly a few meters away. Xie Lian rejects the proposal of joining forces with a monster.

The ghost fires get anxious at his rash movements, but White No-Face chuckles while covering his face. Confused, Xie Lian questions his behavior and White No-Face explains that Xie Lian will join him one day and that he understands Xie Lian better than anyone. Xie Lian disagrees, saying there must be a person who cares for him, which the ghost flame agrees on.

White No-Face adds there might have been those people in the past, but they aren’t eternal. Xie Lian tries to grab him before he leaves, but he gets blasted into a tree. Before he loses consciousness, White No-Face grabs the interesting ghost fire.

He wakes up after a while and runs tens of miles to make sure Feng Xin and his parents are alright. Xie Lian opens the door, relieved to see the house, but as he approaches he sees Mu Qing talking to Feng Xin. Xie Lian asks why he is here, and Feng Xin says that he came to deliver rice.

Xie Lian rejects the goods and asks him to leave. Eventually Feng Xin learns what happened in his journey, becoming enraged and telling Mu Qing to scram. He refutes by saying Xie Lian was forced to commit robbery too, just like Mu Qing didn’t had a choice but to obey those Heavenly Officials.

Feng Xin is confused, and Mu Qing realizes that Xie Lian hasn't told Feng Xin anything. Xie Lian is furious that he revealed his secret, so he grabs a broom to chase Mu Qing out and give a punch to his face. Mu Qing ultimately leaves. After the fight, Feng Xin asks about the robbery, but Xie Lian tell him not to ask anymore.

Because of the recent events, he shuts himself in the cottage, no matter how much Feng Xin and Queen of Xianle try to call him, he stays inside. After two days, Feng Xin opens the door and gives him a dish his mother made. He eats it, even though his mother's cooking isn’t pleasant.

Feng Xin and Xie Lian were going to go out to busk, but before that he went to clean himself since he looks like a beggar with muddy clothes. When he looks into the mirror, he sees his face with a half crying, half smiling mask.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5