Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Borrowing Luck, Night Crawl in Paradise Manor II (借运道夜探极乐坊,Jiè Yùndao Yè Tàn Jílè Fāng) is the 43rd chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


Xie Lian and Shi Qingxuan tried previously to investigate Hua Cheng's Paradise Manor and they’re inside the building’s tunnel.

The two of them are surprised the road is cut off by a stone wall. They cannot destroy nor find any mechanism that can open it. Xie Lian thinks there must be a way, because the masked youth entered here. Shi Qingxuan notices a drawing of a little person throwing dice on the ground. They try to throw dice to open a way but fail. Suddenly the drawing changes, it now looks like an earthworm or a leech.

Suddenly, the two of them disappear and fall into a mud tunnel, it turns out the square brick beneath their feet is the real door. The two Gods decide to explore the tunnel in order to escape. Xie Lian feels something off, then a loud roaring comes echoing. The two of them run away from the noise, however it seems to be catching up with them.

The tunnel comes to an end and two humongous worms appear before them. Xie Lian asks Shi Qingxuan to make light on his palm to scare the two worms away and their attempt works successfully. However, due to the moist temperatures in the muddy tunnel, the flame slowly gets little and little in size. Xie Lian then finds another stone door on the ground, it has a little drawing of a person tossing dice. Shi Qingxuan rapidly throws the two dice, the drawing then changes into a forest with a number of weirdly dressed little people in a circle.

The stone door opens and they fall into another narrow hole. Xie Lian concludes that dice numbers will determine which place they will end up to. They walk for a bit and out of nowhere naked people surround the two of them. The two of them then run away from the scene. Shi Qingxuan has enough and pulls out his Wind Master Fan to fling away the people. After a while, the find another stone door. Xie Lian throws the dice and the drawings don’t change but the door opens. They get in and walk the path, then a smell of blood appears along with a heavy breathing of a man. Shi Qingxuan ignites a palm torch.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5