Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki

Adroit Dice Solely for the Safety of One (玲珑骰只为一人安,Línglóng Tóu Zhǐ wèi Yīrén Ān) is the 48th chapter of the Heaven Official's Blessing novel.


Xie Lian wants to pet the bawling E-Ming after being kidnapped by Hua Cheng from the Heavenly Capital. However, he refuses to let his sabre get touched and moves away. Just then, Feng Xin’s voice appears again in the communication array and asks how Hua Cheng connected the Distance Shortening Array in the Heavenly Court.

Shi Qingxuan suggests he throw two dice and toss them before the door. Feng Xin tries the trick and immediately regrets it. Mu Qing sounds dismayed about the new place he entered with Feng Xin. The number on the dice determines which door will open. The heavenly officials try a second time to open the door to save Xie Lian but fail.

Feng Xin and Mu Qing argue who will take on the pair of dice. While they’re fighting, Xie Lian asks Hua Cheng if everything he rolls snake eyes will be able to see him. Hua Cheng corrects him and says he will appear no matter what number Xie Lian obtains.

Suddenly, their path is blocked by a white light. It’s Lang Qianqiu with his previous sword, Fang Xin. He owned it when Xie Lian was Guoshi Fang Xin. Lang Qianqiu requests for a duel to death, Xie Lian agrees after a long while.

As they were about to fight, Lang Qianqiu fell to the ground. It’s Ruoye who’s binding him. Xie Lian explains to him even though he used an unmanly tactic to ambush Lang Qianqiu, he still won. Xie Lian suggests to Lang Qianqiu to think about what happened and next time not to get in another’s way.


In order of appearance:


Novel Chapters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5